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Chooc Ly Tan presents new film as part of Syncopes exhibition at Mimosa House, 19th May - 10th July


‘Syncopes’ is a multimedia group exhibition at Mimosa House’s new London gallery space at 47 Theobalds Road in Holborn. ‘Syncopes’ will feature work from Chooc Ly Tan, Himali Singh Soin, Lala Rukh, Mira Calix, Ruth Beraha and Qian Qian. 

In this exhibition, syncope acts as a metaphor for rapture, delay, lacunae, and displacement. In the current condition of suspension and global standby, the syncope morphs into a series of new meanings, while reinstating the necessity of a break from growing pressures and acceleration.

The artists in the show will experiment with transcribing and anatomising sound, language and image. By employing algorithms and working through musical scores, the artworks attempt to capture time, measure closeness, and practice resistance, silence and deep listening. 

A newly commissioned film by DJ, voyager and artist Chooc Ly Tan, features interviews with interdisciplinary practitioners on the subject of ‘syncopation’ in sonic, spatio-temporal, and culinary experiences. The interviews’ narrative is interwoven with Voguing elements, culturally referenced as instrumental in diasporic resistance.

Book tickets for exhibition here

Chooc Ly Tan, Rêve, Rave et Révolution