The Lesson of The Vine
The Lesson of The Vine
Rut Blees Luxemburg
with contributions by Alexander García Düttmann, Tom McCarthy, Chloe Aridjis, Fourthland, Ellen Mara De Wachter et al.
160 × 230mm, 68 pages, softback. printed 4 colour offset CYMK, foil Blocked text on Cover, 2019. Signed by Rut Blees Luxemburg
ISBN: 978-1-912458-07-3
+ About the book
What is the lesson of the vine? I asked artists, writers and winegrowers the question and their responses, reflections and songs are gathered together in this publication. Textual images are roused and conjured up, such as the insatiable mouth of the winelouse devouring the language of the vine; or the surge and flow of the vine-triloquist speaking in intoxicated tongues; nocturnal fires in the vineyards; gardens of paradise and gardens of errors. The vines become memory, idea and proposal, a fertile living construct that connects speech and image, thought and generosity. – Rut Blees Luxemburg, extract taken from publications Foreword
Rut Blees Luxemburg contextualises her new public art work for a community forum in the rural Moselle valley through inviting new texts by philosophers, novelists, winegrowers and poets to contemplate the pedagogical tools of nature, distinct to the vine plant. The book meanders from word to image, from nature to culture, from labour to pleasure.
This beautifully produced book is published in a small edition by The Everyday Press